Millionaire's Burre Blanc


  • 1 cup white wine​
  • 2/3 cup heavy cream​
  • 1/4 cup Exotic Citrus Syrup​
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice​
  • 1 Tbsp. canola oil​
  • 1 shallot, chopped​
  • 2 garlic cloves, smashed​
  • 1 stick (8 Tbsp.) cold butter​
  • 1 oz caviar (optional)​

Verre: Culinary

Taille du verre: 2 cups.


      1. In a medium sauce pot on medium heat, add the canola oil, shallot, garlic, and peppercorns and sweat until lightly colored (2-3 minutes).​​
      2. Once lightly caramelized, add all other ingredients except for the syrup and butter and allow to come up to a simmer.​
      3. Continue to simmer until only about 1/2 cup of liquid remains in the pot. (5-7 minutes).​
      4. While waiting for the liquid to reduce, cut the butter into individual tablespoons.​​
      5. Once the liquid is mostly reduced, remove from heat and add the butter and syrup and continuously whisk until the butter is fully melted.​
      6. Strain beurre blanc through a fine mesh sieve and carefully mix in the caviar. Serve immediately or hold in a warm water bath, discard after 4 hours.​